Sunday, 6 April 2014

Exhibitions and Good Company

I've been really busy at work this week but what a lovely finish to the week I've had. Firstly there was the HUE exhibition private view, which I really enjoyed. I did a lot of much so I suspect that I missed seeing a few pieces!

Here's me in front of my two of the pieces with Viv and Kevin (Art Van Go) and my friend Laura. In fact I first met Laura on a workshop at Art Van Go and shortly after she gave me my first dyeing lesson! If you have been following my blog you will have seen these two pieces as they were developing. 

On Friday we went to London with friends and we couldn't have packed any more in if we tried! We went to see the Glamour of Italian Fashion exhibition at the V&A and the curators talk. This was very enjoyable, with some lovely things and some very bling things. It's well worth seeing but it didn't have the same wow factor as some of their more recent exhibitions or maybe the recent exhibitions have set unrealistic expectations?

Promotional image for The Glamour of Italian Fashion 1945-2014

We also had a guided tour of parliament with an excellent guide. What a lovely building.

We also saw Van Gogh's Sunflowers and the National Gallery. The first time in 65 years that the National Gallery's Sunflower has been seen together with the one owned by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
Van Gogh, 'Sunflowers', 1888

We then had a very nice meal to round the day off.

Saturday was the  Embrioderers' Guild AGM.....the AGM and so much more! There were talks, classes, exhibitions, traders, good food and good company. What's not to like?  I came away with a few additional metres of fabric, some expensive (but lovely) silk threads and some additional inches on my waist. Well done to everyone who was involved in organising it. It was a great day and I came away with even more appreciation for the value of the Guild.

I hope to sneak in a little textile work later and then back to work and back down to earth tomorrow.


  1. You'll be glad to go back to work for a rest! And you're right it was a lovely weekend x

  2. The HUE exhibition was fabulous! And it was a brilliant weekend.


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