I've been sewing...sewing practical things! It's very rare for me to wear patterned skirts but when I saw this button fabric it was the incentive I needed to make the wrap skirt I'd been meaning to make for ages. This is the pattern I used.
I made a couple of alterations, not least adding 19 cm to the length! Who would know from the pattern that it was a mini skirt? The other alteration I made was to move both ties to the left hand side of the skirt rather wrapping it around the back and I think this makes it look a lot tidier.
The skirt was easy to make and easy to wear, so I bought some more fabric and made another one only this time I adjusted the pattern so that the skirt sat on the waist rather than below it as the pattern intended.
I thought the higher waist would be more flattering but it doesn't seem to have made a lot of difference.
This is an easy pattern but couldn't help making a few changes to this too. Firstly, I stitched up the opening at the back as I could get it on over my head without it and inspired by the lovely sleeveless tops Gill made, I added some home made bias binding to the neck and sleeve edges. This was my first attempt at making my own bias binding and although it took longer to do I think it was worth the extra effort.
Besides 2 new skirts and a new dress, I have also gained a new sewing machine and I'm thrilled with it! I bought it from the charity Workaid when I was at Missenden Abbey.
I've wanted one of these machines for ages because....well because I the look of them but it never seemed quite the thing to buy online. So now I have one and I have supported a well good cause too.